Working with Race Charts

You can display and print a variety of DRF Race Charts for a specific race.

You have two ways of accessing Charts in Formulator:

Accessing Charts from Past Performances
From any horse’s past performances, you can display the results chart for all of the horse’s past races. Each horse’s last five races are clickable and are highlighted in blue. Simply click the race you’d like to view, and you will be brought to that race’s result chart. The standard chart view is displayed, although you can choose from a variety of chart views (see “Altering the Chart View” below). To get back to the PPs from the chart, simply click the “back” button on your browser, or click "Past Performances" from the Formulator navigation bar.

Accessing Charts from the Calendar Tool
Another way of accessing charts in Formulator is by date. Simply click “Charts and Graphs” in the navigation bar, then select “Charts.” By default, it will bring you to today’s date. You can now use the calendar to view any chart for any race since 2007. The standard chart view is displayed, although you can choose from a variety of chart views (see “Altering the Chart View” below). Soon, we will offer expanded historical chart access for anyone with an Enhanced or Deluxe past performances subscription.

Altering the Chart View
You can change the chart view by clicking the “Options” button in the Formulator navigation menu while looking at a chart. You can select any of the following chart views:

Description: racechart-dropdown.jpg

• Standard Chart view - the default view, showing the standard race results chart for the specific race you selected.
• Next Race view – shows the race chart for the next race in which the horse ran.
• Beyer Figures view – shows the horse’s Beyer figures for the next race the horse ran in, the race you’re currently looking at, and for past races. The Beyer numbers are not available for any starts that are less than ten days old.
• Incremental Pace view – shows the split times for each individual horse in the race.
• Elapsed Times view – shows the elapsed time for each individual horse in the race.
• DRF Comments view – shows the DRF comment line for each horse in the race.
• Form Notes view – shows any trip notes entered for any horse in the race. (For more information, see Adding Trip Notes)