Update & Edit Account Info

To change any account information, please login then on the drop down at the top right of the page under your login initials click on "Account Settings". The next screen will be "Account Settings". 

  • I want to Update E-Mail Address and/or Name

In order to update E-Mail Address or Street address on the Account Settings page do the following:

  1. Stay on Personal Information link which is the default.
  2. Update E-mail address and/or name in appropriate field
  3. Click on Save Changes

  • I want to change my Password

In order to change your password on the Account Information page do the following:

  1. Click on "Change Password".
  2. Update password in the appropriate fields.

If you are in your account and want to change the Password you can do so by going to the Member Center and choosing Account Settings or just choose Account Settings on the drop down menu:



On the Account Settings Page click on where it says Password and then just enter your Current Password and New Password in the appropriate boxes. Then click on Save Password to make the change.





  • I want to update my Auto Renew Preferences

In order to update your Auto Renew Preferences go to this link for instructions:
