SADDLE CLOTH- Cloth under the saddle on which number (and sometimes horse's name) denoting post position is displayed.
SAVAGE- To bite another horse or a person.
SCALE OF WEIGHTS- Fixed imposts to be carried by horses in a race according to age, distance, sex, and time of year.
SCHOOLING- Accustoming a horse to starting from the gate and to teach him racing practices. In steeplechasing, more particularly to teach a horse to jump.
SCHOOLING LIST- List of horses required by the starter to school at the starting gate before being permitted to race.
SCRATCH- To be taken out of a race.
SECOND CALL- A second engagement of jockey who already is listed for a mount in a race.
SECOND DAM- Grandmother; granddam.
SELLING RACE- A claiming race.
SESAMOID- Sesamoid bones are located at the back of the fetlock, the joint formed by the pastern bone and the cannon bone.
SET- A group of horses working together.
SET DOWN- A suspension. Also, put to a drive, or asked to run by a jockey.
SEVEN FURLONGS- Seven-eighths of a mile; 1,540 yards; 4,620 feet.
SEX ALLOWANCE- Fillies and mares, according to their age and time of year, are allowed to carry three to five pounds less when meeting males.
SHADOW ROLL- Usually a lamb's wool roll half way up the horse's face to keep him from seeing his own shadow.
SHANK- Rope or strap attached to a halter or bridle by which a horse is led.
SHED ROW- Stable area. A row of barns.
SHORT- A horse in need of more work or racing to reach winning form.
SHOW- Third position at the finish.
SHOW BET- Wager on a horse to finish in the money; third or better.
SHUT OFF- Pocketed. Unable to improve position.
SILKS- Jacket and cap worn by riders which designate owner of the horse.
SIMULCAST- Televising a race to other tracks, OTB offices or other outlets for the purpose of wagering.
SIRE- Father of a horse.
SIX FURLONGS- Three-quarter of a mile; 1,320 yards, 3,960 feet.
SIXTEENTH- One-sixteenth of a mile; 110 yards, 330 feet.
SLOPPY- Condition of footing. Wet on surface with firm bottom.
SLOW- Footing that is not fast, between good and heavy.
SNUG- Mild restraining hold by rider.
SOLID HORSE- Contender.
SOPHOMORE- Three-year-old horse.
SPEEDY CUT- Injury to knee or hock caused by a strike from the opposite foot.
SPIT BOX- Receptacle for urine and blood taken from a horse for testing.
SPIT THE BIT- When a horse quits running against the bit, usually because of fatigue; often said disdainfully: "Luck Lady really spit out the bit".
STAKES-PLACED- Finishing first, second or third in a stakes race.
STAKE- A race (usually a feature race) for which owner must pay up a fee to run a horse. The fees can be for nominating, maintaining eligibility, entering and starting, to which the track adds more money to make up the total purse. Some stakes races are by invitation and require no payment or fee.
STAKES HORSE- One capable of competing in such events.
STALLION- Entire male horse.
STALL WALKER- Horse that moves about his stall and frets rather than rests.
STAR- Small patch of white hair on a horse's forehead. Also a credit a horse receives from being forced out of an overcrowded race, giving him priority in future races.
STARTER RACE- An allowance or handicap race restricted to horses who have started for a specific claiming price or less.
STARTING GATE- Mechanical device having partitions (stalls) for horses in which they are confined until the starter releases the doors in front to begin the race.
STATE-BRED- A horse bred in a particular state and thus eligible to compete in special races restricted to state-breds.
STAYER- Stout-hearted horse who can race long distances.
STEADIED- A horse being taken in hand by his rider, usually because of being in close quarters.
STEPS UP- A horse moving up in class to meet better runners.
STEWARDS- Top officials of the meeting responsible for enforcing the rules.
STEEPLECHASE- A jumping race over high obstacles.
STICK- A jockey's whip.
STICKERS- Calks on shoes which give a horse better traction in mud or on soft tracks.
STOCKINGS- White legs below the knees.
STRETCH- Final straight portion of the racetrack to the finish.
STRETCH CALL- Position of horses at the eighth pole, usually about halfway down the stretch.
STRETCH RUNNER- Horse who finishes fast.
STRETCH TURN- Bend of track into homestretch.
STRIDE- Manner of going. Also distance covered after each foot has touched the ground once.
STRIP- Markings of a horse. White hairs running part-way down the face.
STRIPE- A white marking running down a horse's face to bridge of nose or below.
STUD- Male horse used for breeding. Also breeding farm.
STUD BOOK- Registry and genealogical record of the breeding of Thoroughbreds maintained by The Jockey Club.
SUBSCRIPTION- Fee paid by owner to nominate horse for a stakes race or to maintain eligibility for a stakes race.
SUCKLING- Thoroughbred still nursing.
SUSPEND (or SUSPENSION)- Punishment for infraction of rules. Offender denied privileges of racetrack for specified period of time. If permanently suspended: Ruled Off.
SWAYBACK- Horse with a dipped backbone.